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Ennigerloher Str. 64, 59302 Oelde
Augsburger Str. 164, 86368 Gersthofen


+49 2522 59084 0

Trade Register
Register Court Münster HRA 11571

Managing Director
Mr. Frank General

Chairman of the Board
Mr. Niklas Haver

General Partner
NEXOPART Verwaltungs GmbH, Oelde

Trade Register
No.: HRB 20499

Tax ID No
DE355 980 833

Bank details
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, DE21 6005 0101 0002 3607 55, BIC SOLADEST600

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content
Managing Director of Nexopart GmbH & Co. KG, Mr. Frank General, Ennigerloher Str. 64, 59302 Oelde

Terms of use
Our offer is aimed exclusively at companies, including public institutions, tradesmen and freelancers

Legal notice
If you have any legal concerns, pleace contact us by e-mail at info@nexopart.com

Trademarks and copyrights

As an innovative company, Nexopart® protects its intellectual property. NEXOPART® know-how is protected by the following intellectual property rights:
Word mark NEXOPART in the protection area DE (30 2022 110 345), IR UK (WO0000001740397), IR EU (1740397) and IR US (7,525,699).

© 2023 NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG: All rights reserved.

The trademark and logo ("trademark") are the property of NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG. None of the information on this website shall be construed as granting any license or trademark. Any such use requires the express written consent of NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG. Unauthorized use of the trademark and logo is strictly prohibited. NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG will aggressively enforce their intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law.

In addition, the website itself and the text, photographs, videos, drawings, layouts, images and files ("works") displayed on this website are protected by copyright. Except as expressly permitted on this website, nothing contained on this website shall be construed as granting any license to such works. This requires the express written consent of NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG or such third party that may own the content ("works") and trademark displayed on the website. Unauthorized use of these works is strictly prohibited. NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG will enforce their copyrights worldwide to the fullest extent of the law.

Use of the website

and information on product liability

The information on this website, including the online shop, is non-binding and is provided for information purposes only. They are for information purposes only and do not constitute legally binding offers/quotations within the meaning of the applicable statutory provisions. More detailed information and contractual terms can be obtained from the relevant sales organizations and/or authorized third party dealers. On the basis of the information contained on the website, no contractual relationship can arise with regard to the goods presented.

The information on this website as well as the products and services described in this information may be changed or updated at any time without prior notice by NEXOPART GmbH & Co. Unless otherwise expressly stated, NEXOPART GmbH & Co. KG`s website do not contain any warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, as to the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information.

Information on the German Packaging Act

We are registered as a manufacturer with the German packaging register LUCID under the number DE355 980 833. We have joined a corresponding system for the return and disposal of packaging waste. Further information can also be found at www.verpackungsgesetz.com

Information on EU Directive 2012/19/EU - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment


We are registered as a manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) placed on the EU market under WEEE number DE 45854788. Our products should not be disposed of as unsorted waste, but should be taken to separate collection facilities for the purpose of reuse and recycling.